Sunday, September 28, 2008

Riding around in Circles

I can now truly say I have tried every form of bicycle racing there is. Road, Mountain, BMX, Cyclo-cross, (Highwheels too if you want to count that) and now track racing. I've only ridden on a velodrome 3 times before and now I was trying my hand at the Florida State Junior Track Championships at Brian Piccolo Velodrome. Luckily, there was no one else in my category and I won by default. I was still really fun though, and I wish that more people had shown up.
The races consisted of a 500m TT, 2000m scratch, and a 5000m scratch. The time trial was a 1 1/2 lap aerobic sprint and I got a time of 45 seconds. The next two races were 6 and 9 laps long where I basically just rode around (now if someone else in my category had shown up it would have been a different story... hint, hint... to my friends: next year) All four of the juniors were in different categories so we all got gold, it was a bit crowded on the top step.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Shelly you deserved it! See you at school tomorrow.
    ----your random friend ashley
