Hanging out at East Point velodrome. Too bad it had just started raining and we couldn't get on the training.
After Sunday's ride, we decided to go to the top of Brasstown Bald to enjoy the view, or what there was of it.
Breakfast of Champions
Carpe Nundainae (latin): Seize the Weekend
Oh, where to start when talking about this weekend!
First of all, the car ride up there. You never really know what its going to be like spending 8 hours in a car with your favorite (cough, cough) teammate. Luckily, I was prepared. The first moment Casey Braga fell asleep, I had my makeup kit out. Blue eye shadow, pink lipstick and, of course, the nail polish. Needless to say, Casey had a bit of a surprise when he woke up. The rest of the trip up though, was very uneventful.
When we started out Saturday afternoon, I was really surprised about how confident I was going up Neel’s gap. Last time we were up there, back in February, I didn’t do my best on that first climb but this weekend, it seemed to pass much quicker than before. The same held true for Wolfpen gap. Much sharper than the first, I still was going very good and kept my teammate, Casey, in sight the entire time. Woody gap passed very quickly also to my surprise and descending was extremely fun.
Before telling about the next day’s events, I’d like to add in a little note about the weather in
Now on to Sunday. Our route for the day took us over Jack’s, Unicoi, and Hogpen gaps. Jack’s was long, and rather steep at points, but rather boring for the most part. My favorite gap right now is Unicoi, the second climb of the day. It passed very quickly and was not very difficult but also has an entertaining descent to accompany it. Though it started raining when we reached the top, I still kept off the brakes going down, using only my rain jacket as a parachute to slow down when needed. But as we came closer to our next and final gap, I began to dread the coming climb. Remembering my last time up Hogpen, I knew it was long, steep, and offered very little break anywhere on it. Still I climbed as best I could, reaching the top at 3,450 ft, after an excruciating dull and lengthy amount of time. Though tired, the road going down was enjoyable. At some points it was such an incline, my computer hit 48 mph, something I’ve only gotten close to riding down Sugarloaf.
I can’t believe how good I felt this weekend. I think that it was a great training experience and hope that it has helped me become more prepared for Nationals this year, in
Left to Right: Top: Casey Braga, Bradley Gordon, Brandon Forman, Jos Chalmers. Bottom: Ian McGauvran, Michelle Blake, Ashlyn Gerber, Blain Gordon.
Left to right: Front Row: Casey Braga, Blain Gordon, Michelle Blake, Ashlyn Gerber, Zoe Mullins. Back Row: Jos Chalmers, Bradley Gordon, Brandon Forman, Ian McGauvran.For an interesting video of us on the big raft and a first hand account, go to: Ashlyn Gerber's Blog